Are you as smart as you could be?

Posted by Eco-Products on Mar 28th 2012

Have you completed all of the training modules? Whether you haven’t taken them at all, or you just want to brush up before a show, head on over to the training section of to get your learn on. Here is a list of the most recent modules:

  • Included In The Box – We are so much more than just cups. Walk through all the services we offer above and beyond selling eco-friendly disposables.
  • Certifications & Legislation – Messaging green products can be a mine field, learn about why we label our products the way we do and how we try to avoid greenwashing.
  • Composting – We know it may sound kinda gross, but go ahead and take a deeper dive into this pile of compost information. You won’t regret it.
  • Recycling – Life’s all about balance, baby. If you’ve got the whole composting story down, it’s time to learn about recycling and resin codes.
  • Biodegredation – It’s the same as composting, right? Wrong! Learn the difference and discover why we don’t call our products biodegradeable.