Around Here it’s not Called Fall or Winter, it’s Called Hot Cup Season

Around Here it’s not Called Fall or Winter, it’s Called Hot Cup Season

Posted by Eco-Products on Sep 17th 2014

It’s that time of year when we start getting the sweaters and jackets out of storage and dreaming about blue bird ski days, fireside chats under cozy blankets, and hot drinks with mountain views.

Hot Cup Season

Yes indeed, hot cup season (what most people call fall and winter) is coming fast. Fortunately #7 Productions already has a number of videos ready on our YouTube Channel to get people excited about this glorious season.

We’ve put together the below list of video’s about hot cups and related products for your viewing pleasure. Put your feet up, click through the list, and prepare yourself for the realization that your skis need tuned, your car needs new snow tires, and the holidays are just around corner.

Happy sipping!

Eco-Products® This Is Why™ Hot Cups

EcoLid® – Renewable and Compostable

EcoGrip® & Stir Sticks

Eco-Products® GreenStripe® Hot Cups

Eco-Products® EcoLid® 25%

Not about hot cups but it sure is fun