Bad Catalog News & Good Catalog News

Posted by Eco-Products on Aug 30th 2012

So. Bad News first.
We’ve run out of printed catalogs and we won’t have more until mid-September.

Now for the Good News!
The fully updated PDF is available online to tide you over until we have more printed ones on hand. Download it Now

Full Catalog

Download the latest version of the catalog

You can always find our most updated catalog PDF at this link Bookmark it. Write it on a Post-it. Tattoo it on the back of your hand. It’s a very useful link to remember.

Some highlights from the new catalog:

  • New products include: Plantware® Taster Spoons, Plantware® Soup Spoons, World Delight™ Paper Food Containers and more.
  • More information on custom prints and custom shapes.
  • One confusion-reducing version of the cover.