Composting in Oklahoma: Hitachi and Fertile Ground

Composting in Oklahoma: Hitachi and Fertile Ground

Posted by Eco-Products on Jun 27th 2024

In 2020, Hitachi and Fertile Ground began their partnership through the connection of our PZW Wayne. Fertile Ground began hauling and processing food waste from the employee cafeteria of the Hitachi manufacturing facility in Norman, OK – an operation that feeds 1,200 employees with three meal services a day. When Hitachi decided to make the switch to compostable packaging to increase their diversion rate in 2023, they could not secure the necessary items through their current distribution.

To solve the distribution issue, Fertile Ground became an Eco-Products “Compost Hauler / Distributor” (CHD) and began stocking BPI-Certified Eco-Products items for Hitachi to procure from them directly. Distributing products helps CHDs mitigate contamination and adds an additional revenue stream. Their partnership is stronger than ever, and more food waste and packaging is being composted and diverted from landfills.

Fertile Ground is the only composter in the state of Oklahoma and are working to reduce environmental impacts and enhance the quality of life in central Oklahoma. If you are planning a waste-diverting event or have long term diversion goals, our Product & Zero Waste Specialists can help.   Contact Your PZW Today.

Fertile Ground

Hitachi diverts over two cubic yards of food waste and packaging a week thanks to “Composter Hauler Distributor” (CHD), Fertile Ground.