Dalco and Eco-Products, Partners in Grime

Dalco and Eco-Products, Partners in Grime

Posted by Eco-Products on Feb 9th 2022

We’ve shared many success stories over the years featuring our waste diverting operators. Today, we’re happy to introduce our first ever Zero Waste distributor partner.

DalcoDalco Enterprises, Inc is a division of Imperial Dade with eight branches in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. They specialize in delivering facility maintenance products and solutions. As a key distributor partner of Eco-Products they are dedicated to bringing change to the way they clean, use energy, and reduce waste.

Our Midwest RSM/PZW team provided step-by-step guidance and training to kick off their Zero Waste program, starting with:

  • Conducting a waste sort to establish a baseline to measure success
  • Securing a grant to cover hauling costs and bins
  • Connecting them with hauling and composting options

Dalco - Waste ChartFirst, the waste sort gave a snapshot of their current waste stream. The resulting data showed the opportunities for waste diversion. In this sort 54% of the waste stream was recyclable and compostable items that could be diverted from the landfill. The sort also highlighted plenty of “rethinkable” items that could be replaced with something recyclable or compostable to further increase diversion.

Next, securing funds and connecting the distributor with local service providers laid the groundwork for implementing new processes.

Do you know any distributor partners who may be interested in a similar program? Contact your PZW Specialist!

Dalco Waste Sort

Let’s Put Waste to Work