Don’t forget about our iPad promotion!

Posted by Eco-Products on Oct 31st 2012

What’s the only thing better than getting a full size candy bar on Halloween? Getting an iPad!

Ok, so technically you won’t get it today, but today is the perfect day to remind you about this little treat. The only trick is, you have to be the first broker to get an order for a sugarcane plate print or clamshell emboss/deboss. Please see below for official rules.

iPad 2 Image

  1. Promotion dates: 10/1 – 12/31/12
  2. Orders must meet minimum order quantities
  3. Signed artwork and PO must be in hand prior to 12/31/12
  4. Eco-Products Sales Reps can also win an iPad however the Eco Rep & broker cannot share the same operator success (i.e., they must be unique or independent from one another)
  5. Eligible products: sugarcane plate printing, sugarcane clamshell emboss (HC93 only) and sugarcane clamshell deboss

Download the PDF

PDF Icon Download this Sheet for a table of products, minimums and capabilities, as well as explanations of color print processes, emboss vs. deboss and more.

We’ve got some really cool new options on our custom print menu:

  • Embossing: On the inside of EP-HC93 clamshell
  • Debossing: On the outside of all unlined sugarcane clamshells
  • 1-2 Color printing on sugarcane plate rims
  • Souvenir Cups (Reusable)