Eco-Products at Angels Stadium

Eco-Products at Angels Stadium

Posted by Eco-Products on Sep 11th 2013

Our products have been at Angels Stadium all summer, and recently a blogger took notice of the messaging on our GreenStripe® cold cups. It’s a nice discussion on both cup messaging as well as what happens to waste at big stadiums. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for compostables to wind up in landfills, as this writer points out. We’ve been working hard to change that but it is still a challenge in many parts of this country.

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Compostable Cups at Angels Stadium

By Jeffrey Gotro on July 23, 2013

I was at Angels Stadium in Anaheim, CA on Sunday when the Angels were playing the Oakland Athletics. My “adult beverage” came in a polylactic acid (PLA) cup. I needed the adult beverage since Bartolo Colon (the 40 year old pitcher for the Oakland A’s) was pitching “lights out” on his way to a complete game shutout (6-0) of the Angels. His nasty sinker stymied the Angels batters…Enough of that sad story.

A couple of interesting items I noticed on the cup. The first thing that jumped out at me was Read the rest at Polymer Innovation Blog >