Eco-Products Winter Catalog – Everything You Need to Help Shake Off the Cold

Eco-Products Winter Catalog – Everything You Need to Help Shake Off the Cold

Posted by Product Development on Jan 17th 2018

Eco-Products Winter Catalog

In case you’ve missed it, our winter catalog is available online and available for order. It has all the latest product updates as well as previews of the coming natural colored sugarcane products, and a ton of glossy images of our bundle in the context of winter fun and enjoyment.

This version is, as always, available for a limited time, and for the first time in Spanish also.


First New Product of 2018

New EP-SCRC863LID for Nacho Tray
At long last please welcome the WorldView™ Renewable & Compostable Dome Lid (EP-SCRC863LID) to the line-up. Pair this clear Ingeo™ lid with our 2 and 3-compartment sugarcane trays (EP-SCRC862 or EP-SCRC863B) for optimum presentation and maximum performance.

Order samples by visiting our sample site and logging in to place your order today!

Click here to download the product sheet.

Please contact your sales rep for more details or with questions.