Electric Forest Finds Huge Diversion Success with Eco-Products

Posted by Eco-Products on Oct 30th 2017

Electric Forest Finds Huge Diversion Success with Eco-Products

We are honored to have helped Electric Forest festival divert 63% of material generated in the venue, main catering and campground concessions. When festival peeps can throw it all in the compost bin, living the green life is easy.

All food vendors used Eco-Products compostable packaging, and over 34 tons of stuff (packaging + food scraps) became soil instead of trash. This was an increase of 34x, or 4600% over last year.

This festival is yet another example of how compostable packaging can help keep both food scraps and packaging out of landfills. Without it, festivals like Electric Forest would be very challenged to meet their sustainability goals. If you’d like to talk through our systems solution to waste diversion, please reach out to our Sustainability Maven at sustainabilitymaven@ecoproducts.com.

Electric Forest Music festival