Expert in the Field –  Operator Specialist  Jamie Brown

Expert in the Field – Operator Specialist Jamie Brown

Posted by Eco-Products on Dec 15th 2020

Operator Specialist - Jamie Brown

We sat down with our Operator Specialist, Jamie Brown, to understand more about what her job at Eco-Products entails.

One of the great benefits an Operator Specialist provides Eco-Products is our ability to focus on the advancement of our Zero Waste Mission. We do this is by becoming experts. Developing relationships and garnering knowledge is our passport for success in demonstrating a meaningful state of waste diversion within our specific regions.

Each region is diverse; no two are alike. There’s a lot to know and keep up with as government requirements and market trends continuously change. Every region has its nuances with key individuals and organizations that are invaluable to build and sustain relationships. Fostering our presence and expertise within each region impacts our ability to influence customers as they scale their waste diversion programs. Cultivating credibility as a partner with composters and haulers while seeking new opportunities is my imperative. Maintaining knowledge of the local legislation, state policy, and composting infrastructure is key to this process.

Illinois Food Scrap CoalitionBelow I’m highlighting a rewarding 2020 focus within my region. This involved the Illinois Food Scrap Coalition. My investment in this collaboration created a worthy contribution to our 2020 goal of expanding access to commercial composting infrastructure in Chicago.

The Illinois Food Scrap Coalition is a nonprofit organization comprised of various stakeholders. Their purpose is advancing diversion and composting of organics in Illinois through advocacy, program implementation, market development, policy, and outreach. I’m an active committee member engaged in getting to know all of the local players. I build relationships and strategize in developing solutions within its Market Development Committee.

This year I was a panelist at an August forum that was designed to present the challenges and opportunities of compostable packaging. This event attracted over 200 stakeholders from the region. It gained the attention from industry leaders across the country and turnout exceeded expectations. We discussed the state of the Illinois composting industry and shared best practices for handling compostable products at facilities.

My participation created value by increasing Eco-Products’ brand presence, demonstrating that we are engaged and reliable, and that we are collaborative partners working to produce solutions. This genuinely sets us apart in our marketplace.

These engagements are an important way to maintain our expertise, provide greater market insight, and to advance our Zero Waste mission.

Area That Jamie Covers

  • Midwest — red area on map
  • Based in Minneapolis, MN

Operator Specialist Map

Jamie can be reached at or at 720-661-2150.


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