Have you found your Blue Ocean?

Posted by Eco-Products on Jul 25th 2012

Do you subscribe to our COO Luke Vernon’s blog, EcoRamblings? If you want to stay up to date the issues in our industry you should. Here’s this weeks post:

I’m extremely excited about what’s going on at Eco-Products right now. If I keep it bottled up inside, I’ll undoubtedly unload it tonight on my poor wife who will have to listen to me blab for an hour about how cool all of the stuff is that we’re doing. I’m going to save her from having to sit through that.

I’ve long been a believer in the Blue Ocean Strategy (if you haven’t read the book, it’s worth the read). It’s all about zigging when others are zagging. Being a leader in your own regard. Eco-Products has lived that mantra for years through our unique business model, new product innovation, and creative marketing services. Not conforming to our industry norms is what has gotten us to where we are. That and the incredibly talented people we have. Read the rest…