Help Us Help You

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 10th 2013

Hello Sales Team!

We here at HQ try to make cool things that make selling Eco-Products snappy and exciting, but we are just sitting at computers making guesses about what might be valuable out in the field. You guys are in the trenches actually using the tools we make – so we want absolutely need your feedback, suggestions and ideas.

Make a wish on this green star.

So tell us! This is an open invitation to tell us that we need cooler swag or your tiny display spaces at shows call for uber portable table-top signs or an Eco-Products name tag would really make you feel ready to sell.

We can’t promise to make everything happen (e.g. we probably won’t bring back printed product sheets), but we will definitely consider your ideas and do our best to make your eco-dreams come true.

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