Introducing our New Product and Zero Waste Specialist – Meghan Ibach

Introducing our New Product and Zero Waste Specialist – Meghan Ibach

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 13th 2022

We’re excited to introduce our newest Southwest Product & Zero Waste Specialist Meghan Ibach!

Meghan recently moved back to Colorado and brings an enthusiasm and wealth of experience in the sustainability field. She joins us from her last role as the Sustainability and Marketing Manager with Chartwells Education where she outlined best practices and educated folks on how to be “Green”! Understanding local laws and regulations along with the necessary infrastructure were part of her daily responsibilities.

In her role at Eco-Products she, along with Jenny Slepian in the Northwest, will be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive sustainability strategy for the Western Region. She will support the RSM team’s efforts in the field to scale waste diversion practices for our customers and partners and help build infrastructure across the US. She is looking forward to working with her fellow PZW Team. She has extensive experience and background presenting to folks and her desire to jump in and assist the RSM Team with end user and Zero Waste accounts is very evident.


Meghan has been and continues to be a big supporter of our work and is excited to join the organization.

Join us in welcoming Meghan to the team.

Let’s Put Waste to Work.