LA Coliseum: Yet Another Zero Waste Success Story

Posted by Eco-Products on Jul 12th 2017

GreenStripe Cups at LA ColiseumWe never tire of seeing our products play a role in Zero Waste success stories. Check out this article from BioCycle to read all about how an iconic sports venue is making its mark in sustainability.

Highlights from the article include:

  • The Los Angeles Coliseum, home to the USC Trojans and now the LA Rams, was retrofitted to embrace Zero Waste.
  • In two years (2015 and 2016), they basically went from 0% diversion to an average diversion rate of 83% in 2016. Amazing!
  • Built in 1923, the Zero Waste success of this stadium proves that you actually can teach old dogs new tricks.
  • These efforts earned the Coliseum first place in the fall 2016 Zero Waste Bowl Challenge from the PAC-12 Conference.
  • Through a combination of front of house education, smart back of house policies, and diligent post game sorting, they were able to reach a high diversion rate.

If you have a customer who needs help with a Zero Waste project, tell them We Got This! Just email David at to get started.