Meet Our New Sustainability Maven

Posted by Eco-Products on Mar 22nd 2017

David Fridland Eco-Products Sustainability MavenBy now, some of you may be wondering, who is this new Sustainability Maven, and what have you done with Sarah!?

Well, have no fear, Sarah is cruising along in her new role as the Director of Marketing for Eco-Products, and our new Sustainability Maven – David Fridland—is swiftly filling her green shoes.

David joins us from Eco-Cycle, a Colorado-based non-profit recycler that is a major advocate for Zero Waste around the state. In his role there, he wore a variety of hats working towards Zero Waste with businesses, apartment complexes, local municipalities and events of all sizes. One of his biggest achievements in his past role was helping the cities of Lafayette and Longmont, here in Boulder County, pass ordinances to establish a curbside organics collection for their residents.

David Fridand Compost Program

If you are in town and want to take a few mogul runs up at Winter Park, play a game of Ultimate Frisbee, or simply chat composting and sustainability, David is your guy.

David can be reached at or at 720-542-6363 or of course at the tried-and-true

David Fridland Lifestyle