Partner Spotlight: US Composting Council

Partner Spotlight: US Composting Council

Posted by Eco-Products on Aug 3rd 2020

We have great industry partners that we work with at Eco-Products, so in the coming weeks we will be talking about them in the Dish. We hope that you will gain a greater appreciation for these awesome groups and a better understanding for why we work with each of them.

The US Composting Council: A True Partner in Zero Waste


At Eco-Products, we’re committed to expanding access to commercial composting of food scraps and compostable packaging. This is why we are a member of the US Composting Council (USCC).

The USCC believes “compost manufacturing and compost utilization are central to creating healthy soils, clean air and water, a stable climate, and a sustainable society.” We couldn’t agree more, which is why we’re working with the USCC to identify and promote local composting solutions. That means more communities with access to commercial composters.

Graph showing that of the 27 solutions examined by ReFED, commercial composting has the most potential by far for keeping food scraps out of landfills.

Click graph to view larger.

This would vastly reduce the amount of packaging and food waste headed to landfills. In fact, according to ReFED, commercial composting could divert as much as 5 million tons of food waste from landfills annually, the most of more than 25 solutions analyzed.

The USCC is one of the leading voices of the composting industry and provides us with an excellent opportunity to work with composters of all sizes. Working with the USCC gives us a better understanding of the challenges the composting industry faces, and allows us to be a collaborative partner as we work together to tackle these challenges.

The USCC does excellent work, and we’re proud to help in any way we can. Together, we’re creating change and working toward a Zero Waste future.

Green is all we do.