Stadiums are Big Players in the Sustainability Game

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 9th 2014

Foam Ban
Stadiums are huge waste generators, but fortunately there is a trend toward more sustainable practices. Check out this article from Plastics News to read all about it. It even features our very own Marketing VP, Wendell Simonson!

Safeco Field in Seattle is one stadium that really cares about their impacts and has taken huge strides to improve them. One step they took was switching all of the their foodservice disposables to compostable products from us. We even did a custom Life Cycle Analysis report for them so they could really see what makes up their carbon footprint. If you have a customer who is interested in a custom LCA, we can do that! Just email Sarah at, our Sustainability Maven to get started.

Image of one page of the Safeco Field LCA report