Posted by Eco-Products on Jan 24th 2012

Most of our Tag examples show ways to GIVE information like a website, video or PDF. But Tag is also a valuable way to GET information, like contact information for leads!NCUAFS poster with Tag

Last year at the National Association of College and University Food Services show, we had this 11×17 stand-up poster in our booth. Visitors could scan the tag on their own, but we also had an iPad on hand to help them enter if they didn’t have a smartphone.

When they scanned the Tag, they were taken to a short entry form asking for their name, email, company and phone number. Then they hit submit, the form was emailed to our sales rep, and they were taken to a confirmation of their submission. A quick and easy way for them to enter to win, and us to gather their information.

NACUFS Screenshot

Click for larger image

NACUFS give away screen shot

Click for larger image

This Tag is a great example of Tag best practices for a couple of reasons.

1. The Payoff was Clear – Rather than just slapping a Tag on a poster or cup, with no clear explanation of what would happen if you scanned it, the purpose of the Tag is big and bold. “Scan me to win 5 free cases” We also were fortunate to have the real estate to walk through the steps of how to scan a Tag.

2. The Content was Optimized for Mobile – The form that the Tag takes you to was built specifically for viewing on a mobile phone or iPad. There was no Flash content or tons of extraneous text. The form and images were sized just right so no zooming in or out was required. Just the pertinent information was included, so it was quick and easy.

The take-away? Just adding a Tag might not be enough. The messaging must pique a customers interest and make scanning the Tag seem worth their time. When selling a customer on Tag, encourage them to make it clear, easy and accessible.