Teambuilding While Trail Building

Teambuilding While Trail Building

Posted by Eco-Products on Jul 7th 2022

Eco-Products Volunteer Crew

We were excited to welcome many of our co-workers to Boulder, CO last week for the Summer Sales Meeting after two years of remote meetings. There were lots of great conversations and discussions about the Zero Waste work we do.  More importantly, we used our time together to make great progress on our Volunteering goal helping out one of our favorite organizations the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP). 

Over 30 employees showed up to Chautauqua where our team helped re-route a trail in the park, dividing into two groups, dirt movers and rock haulers. While strenuous, we had the chance to build/dig a new trail. We know there are many other volunteers that made this project successful and lots more work to do but are excited to see the results of our labor for when the new trail opens!  Thank you OSMP for the opportunity. 

Volunteering Goal 55% of Employees

And a shoutout to a handful of team members that joined the volunteering event that were in their first days/weeks at Eco-Products. High sixes all around. We are glad you came and welcome to Eco-Products! 

Let’s Put Waste to Work