The Eco-Products Pitch Deck – Another Tool in the Toolbox

Posted by Eco-Products on Feb 25th 2020

Eco-Products Pitch Deck 2020

We are pleased to share with you our updated Eco-Products Pitch Deck. When you’re making the case for why Eco-Products is the clear partner of choice in our category, this deck can help you close the deal. A few key highlights to point out:

  • Each slide has talking points in the Notes section. While you should give the pitch in your own voice, we know sometimes a little nudge can help.
  • Let’s Make It Better: We’ve refreshed our headline from “We Got This” to “Let’s Make It Better.” While we still got this (no doubt), this new campaign language acknowledges that sustainability is a journey and that our products are not perfect. We are eager to work with customers and the broader industry to fight for a Zero Waste future. Let’s be proud of our products, let’s be champions of our services, but let’s be honest about the fact that we’re never done. Let’s make it better. See slides 2 and 3 for more information.
  • Value Prop tweak – Innovation: When stepping back and thinking about what differentiates Eco-Products, we felt that innovation was key. We’ve replaced “Custom” with “Innovation” as one of the pillars in our value proposition (slide 5). Given our award-winning product development and unmatched approach to sustainability in our industry, we felt innovation deserved to be on a pedestal. Don’t worry… custom is still there, but it’s now included under “Services.”

You may access the latest Pitch Deck on our Brandfolder. Please be sure to always check there for the latest resources.

Thanks, and happy selling!

Eco-Products Value Prop

Eco-Products Value Prop

Download the latest Eco-Products Pitch Deck


Green is all we do.