The Ecoist – bi-NO-degradable

Posted by Eco-Products on Feb 20th 2013

Some of your products are compostable. Is that the same as biodegradable?

Biodegradable and compostable can be confusing terms. Technically, both words define biological processes, but they have become prevalent marketing terms as well. This tends to blur the difference between the two, which is understandably confusing!

Look for this label to ensure a product is indeed compostable.

Biodegradation is a larger natural process that can happen in a number of ways, including composting. Composting is very specific process that happens only in situations with the right microorganisms and environmental conditions – and it creates humus, water, and heat. Other biodegradation processes do not make humus, which is an important part of soils.

Other things “biodegrade” in different ways, such as in water, with sunlight, heat, or even chemicals, but compostable products breakdown (or biodegrade) into compost through the composting process only. In fact, just about everything biodegrades eventually….but not everything composts!

Our products are certified compostable by a third-party organization called BPI and they meet the strict ASTM composting standards for each material type. That’s why our products are labeled “compostable” and not “biodegradable”. In the US, the Federal Trade Commission publishes a “Green Guide” that outlines the rules for environmental marketing claims. It is our go-to guide to avoid greenwashing and the reason we do not label our items as ‘biodegradable”. Unfortunately the term ‘biodegradable’ has no strict legal definition, so look for the words “BPI Certified” to ensure your compostable item meets the best standards for compostability.

Learn More FTC Green Guide

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