This is Why Green is All We Do

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 17th 2013

This is why green is all we do - Nicobar Pigeon

Not only are we excited that our new catalogs are finally in stock, we are super stoked to debut our new campaign.

"This Is Why" is an aspirational campaign designed to take a heart-string approach to the communication of why people should care about "green" packaging. The phrase "This is why" will be integrated into the existing Eco-Products positioning statement "Green is all we do", to create a platform for engaging our audiences on a deeper level, and to advance the argument that a "Green is sometimes / rarely what we do" platform should not be acceptable for those who believe that the planet (and the ability of future generations to inhabit said planet) is worth fighting for.

Why Should People Care?

The campaign will rely on two distinct yet highly related ideas as it attempts to sway public opinion on environmental sustainability:

1) The Natural World Itself – We hope to convince people that the natural world should be respected and managed responsibly "just because". While this line of argument can be soft from a logical perspective, it can be extremely compelling from an emotional perspective. We will use striking images from the natural world in unique ways to get this idea across, and hope not to fall into the "hallmark" trap of showing sunsets and rainbows that could just as easily show up on the cover of a Pactiv EarthChoice catalog.

2) Future Generations – The one thing that connects nearly all humans is concern for the people who will remain on this planet once we are gone, and the most widely adopted definition of sustainability highlights concern for those future generations as the reason to make better decisions now. In our sons, daughters, nephews, nieces and grandchildren, we find the logical (yet highly emotional) reason to care about not wrecking the planet we have now, and to not deplete all of the finite natural resources that have come with it up to this point.