Updates From Our Product and Zero Waste Specialist Team

Updates From Our Product and Zero Waste Specialist Team

Posted by Eco-Products on Mar 9th 2022

Compostable Foodservice Packaging

Our Product & Zero Waste team (PZW), focused on helping customers achieve Zero Waste and expanding composting infrastructure, recently shared some great updates on trends impacting the composting industry and our engagement on compostable packaging. Check it out below.


  • Significant expansion and increased investment in composting infrastructure
  • Noticing a quicker pace of acquisition and consolidation in the industry
  • Increased state and regional industry involvement in expansion


  • Continued expansion of relationships with packaging-friendly composters and haulers
  • Increased interest from national accounts in implementing Zero Waste
  • Vanguard™ demand growing with Zero Waste operators
  • Driving compostable packaging interest through engagement, education, and trust with operators


  • Continued involvement with the US Composting Council (USCC) and participation by our PZW team at local chapters
  • Participating in Young Professionals Mentoring program by some of our PZW group
  • Legislation on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and pro-compostable packaging ordinances arising in many regions across the country
  • Foam bans in the Northeast increasing demand for compostable packaging

To learn more about what’s happening in your region, connect with your sales rep or Product & Zero Waste Specialist!

South/Southwest – Wayne Koeckeritz
Northeast/Ohio Valley/Mid-Atlantic – Toby Alves
Midwest – Jamie Brown
Pacific Northwest – Jenny Slepian

Let’s Put Waste to Work