U.S. Composting Infrastructure Coalition – Making Strides Toward a Zero Waste Future

U.S. Composting Infrastructure Coalition – Making Strides Toward a Zero Waste Future

Posted by Eco-Products on Dec 14th 2021

Composting Food and Packaging

If we want to rethink how society manages packaging and food waste, we need to work together. In past posts we focused on partners that are key to making this change happen. Today we turn the spotlight to another organization that is helping to make strides toward a Zero Waste future.

U.S. Composting Infrastructure CoalitionThe U.S. Composting Infrastructure Coalition was formed in 2021 and brings together a vital cross section of the US organics recycling community, associations working on sustainable materials, and other stakeholders. The mission of the organization is to expand composting infrastructure across the US with the goal of significantly increasing access to robust programs that divert compostable materials, including food scraps, yard trimmings, and certified compostable packaging.

Why does composting matter?
In landfills, food scraps produce methane, a greenhouse gas that is contributing to climate change. Using compostable packaging can help deliver food scraps—a valuable nutrient for composting—to the compost bin and divert them from the landfill. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and saves landfill space. Learn more about why composting matters.

Let’s Put Waste to Work