Waste Diversion Success with Princeton University

Waste Diversion Success with Princeton University

Jun 6th 2024

Princeton University's Office of Sustainability started their SCRAP Lab (Sustainable Composting Research at Princeton) in 2018. Since then, we have been working to transition the campus to a full bundle of compostable products from across the Eco-Products offering. We created signage that makes it easy for students, employees, and guests to dispose of their waste properly and ensure that the compostable products make it to their in-vessel composting system.

  • Project revolves around a FOR Solutions Model 1000 in-vessel aerobic composting system
  • In 2023 Princeton was awarded a NJ DEP grant to study the decomposition of compostable products, and a mix of Eco-Products fiber and bioplastic items were introduced to the feedstock mix
  • Once the products were approved for use in the FOR system, work began with Princeton sustainability and dining staff to manage the transition to a full bundle of Eco-Products certified compostable products
  • Princeton is now collecting food scraps and compostable packaging from across their dining footprint, processing the material on site, and using the finished product as a soil amendment across the campus grounds

If you are interested in an in-vessel composting system or composting in general, our Product & Zero Waste Specialists can help.
Contact Your PZW Today
