What do you call a group of composters and haulers?

What do you call a group of composters and haulers?

Posted by Eco-Products on Aug 17th 2022

A collective? Or a maybe a bin? Whatever you call it, we gathered a choice one last week when our Eco-Products and Vegware Product & Zero Waste Specialist team hosted our first ever Composter Symposium on August 2.

A bin of composters and haulers from across the country were invited to participate in this event which provided unique access to industry leaders. The goal of the program was to foster communication among composters and haulers who have expressed an interest in or are currently accepting compostable products in their composting operations.

Composter Symposium Speakers
Unlike a webinar, this symposium was designed to foster open communication amongst all of the participants, many of whom were meeting for the first time. Ample time was reserved at the end for discussions, which were thoughtful and focused on contamination, home compostability standards, and reusable methods of bagging finished compost.

While we surely could have gone longer than 90 minutes, this program was also designed to fit in during working hours. In fact, we were able to watch one participant out collecting organic waste while on their route during the symposium!

Thank you to all who made the symposium possible and looking forward to holding similar events in the future.

Put Waste to Work