Who is Eco-Products?

Posted by Eco-Products on Nov 4th 2020

This year, Eco-Products turned 30! What started in a garage as a local distributor of recycled products has grown into a mission-driven, international, foodservice packaging brand. As we reflect on where we’ve come from and where we are going, we thought it would be a good opportunity to review what we’re all about. So over the next several weeks we want to remind y’all of what sets us apart.

Let’s start with a little Eco-Products 101 – our vision and mission and how we see those serving our industry and customer base.

Our Vision

Eco-Products will be in the vanguard of our Zero Waste future.

Our Mission

At Eco-Products, we understand the connection between the health of the planet and the impacts of disposable packaging. Every day we work to advance Zero Waste systems, and help our customers be better stewards of the environment.

Our Industry

Sustainable disposables sound like an oxymoron, but we live in a consumer culture where single-use products are ubiquitous. And they aren’t going away any time soon. We see this as an incredible opportunity to help change the world—and more importantly each of the local communities we serve—by making single-use products that shift an industry.

Our Customers

We work with restaurants, colleges & universities, sports & music venues, corporate campuses, hotels, healthcare establishments, and other foodservice operators who are committed to using environmentally preferable packaging. Every customer’s motivation to partner with us is different, but whether they want to reduce their environmental impact, minimize waste, comply with legislation, or build their brand… we are uniquely suited to be their partner of choice.

Our value proposition:

We are the most recognized and authentic brand in environmentally preferable food service packaging. As category leaders, we’re able to deliver benefits to our partners that are unavailable anywhere else on the market:


  • A one-stop shop assortment with 450+ SKUs
  • Third-party certifications back up environmental claims


  • Award-winning product design team
  • Cutting edge product development
  • Operator Specialists
  • A System Solution for waste diversion

  • Thought leaders of Zero Waste Systems
  • Leading industry efforts to increase composting & recycling
  • Dedicated sustainability expert on staff

  • Marketing and communication services
  • Custom life cycle
    analysis reports
  • Product customization
  • Zero Waste consulting

Take-away: Eco-Products is a true sustainability partner with a broad bundle of product choices, an innovative approach to product development and services, a strong vision for a Zero Waste future, and a long list of services to help our customers.

Next up: We’ll take a closer look at our Bundle.


Let’s make it better.