Who is Eco-Products? Advocacy

Posted by Eco-Products on Dec 1st 2020

This year, Eco-Products turned 30! What started in a garage as a local distributor of recycled products has grown into a mission-driven, international, foodservice packaging brand. As we reflect on where we’ve come from and where we are going, we thought it would be a good opportunity to review what we’re all about. So over the next several weeks we want to remind y’all of what sets us apart.

Today, let’s take a closer look at the Advocacy section of our value proposition.

Our vision is big: a Zero Waste future. And we have a lot of passion for making that happen. One thing is certain…we can’t do it alone. If we want society to rethink how it manages waste and packaging, no one entity can make this happen on its own. That’s why we are not only active in industry initiatives to vastly increase composting and recycling, we are often leading the charge.


  • A one-stop shop assortment with 450+ SKUs
  • Third-party certifications back up environmental claims


  • Award-winning product design team
  • Cutting edge product development
  • Operator Specialists
  • A System Solution for waste diversion

  • Thought leaders of Zero Waste Systems
  • Leading industry efforts to increase composting & recycling
  • Dedicated sustainability expert on staff

  • Marketing and communication services
  • Custom life cycle
    analysis reports
  • Product customization
  • Zero Waste consulting


Industry Engagement
  • Our VP of Product Strategy & Development is on the board of the Biodegradable Products Institute.
  • Our President is on the board of Eco-Cycle.
  • Our Sustainability Maven is on the board of Recycle Colorado, and is active in the US Composting Council.
  • Our Operator Specialists are active in their regional and state-level organizations associated with composting and recycling, and work on USCC committees.

In addition to advocating for change at a higher level, we also promote a systems solution to waste diversion with our customers every day. Through these efforts and others, we are pushing for more composting infrastructure, more food scraps diverted from landfills, more foodservice operators making meaningful strides towards Zero Waste, and a more sustainable future for all of us.

Using Business as a Force for Good

Eco-Products officially became a certified B Corp in July 2016, and we were recertified in early 2019. If you’re not familiar with B Corp, think of it as a sustainability certification for businesses, similar to what organic certification is for milk, or what Fair Trade certification is for coffee. Companies who are certified B Corps have been verified by the nonprofit organization B Lab to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. This puts Eco-Products alongside some of the most respected sustainability-minded brands such as Patagonia®, Ben & Jerry’s®, Seventh Generation®, and Etsy® – just to name a few. You can find out more about B Corp by checking out its website

Memberships & Partnerships

We know we can only do so much as one company, even if we’re working our tails off. That’s why we’re active in a number of industry groups. Collaboration = bigger impact.


Take-away: Eco-Products advocates for our Zero Waste future through high level industry engagement as well as locally through our Operator Specialists.

Next up: Sure we sell packaging, but our Services are included in the box.

Let’s make it better.