Who is Eco-Products? Our Bundle

Who is Eco-Products? Our Bundle

Posted by Eco-Products on Nov 10th 2020

This year, Eco-Products turned 30! What started in a garage as a local distributor of recycled products has grown into a mission-driven, international, foodservice packaging brand. As we reflect on where we’ve come from and where we are going, we thought it would be a good opportunity to review what we’re all about. So over the next several weeks we want to remind y’all of what sets us apart.

Today, let’s take a closer look at the Bundle section of our value proposition.

Eco-Products is proud to offer the broadest bundle of environmentally preferable foodservice packaging available on the market today – over 450 SKUs and counting. Every product we make comes with real environmental benefits, whether that’s beginning-of-life materials such as renewable resources or post-consumer recycled content, or non-landfill end-of-life options, such as commercial composting.


  • A one-stop shop assortment with 450+ SKUs
  • Third-party certifications back up environmental claims


  • Award-winning product design team
  • Cutting edge product development
  • Operator Specialists
  • A System Solution for waste diversion

  • Thought leaders of Zero Waste Systems
  • Leading industry efforts to increase composting & recycling
  • Dedicated sustainability expert on staff

  • Marketing and communication services
  • Custom life cycle
    analysis reports
  • Product customization
  • Zero Waste consulting

Our Two Platforms

Our products fall into two platforms: GreenStripe® (for those who prefer renewable resources and composting) and BlueStripe® (for those who prefer intercepting waste headed to the landfill and recycling it into something new). You may learn more here

Certifications & Approvals

While we hope you will take our word for it, we think third-party validation is pretty cool and very important to our customers when making packaging decisions. That’s why we’re committed to obtaining external thumbs-up, such as BPI certification, CMA approval, or USDA BioPreferred verification. Check out our certifications page to learn more.

Further Reading:

Explore our Product Selection by Category
Download our Full Catalog
Take a Tour of our Product Features

Take-away: Eco-Products offers a broad bundle of products with real environmental benefits.

Next up: We’ll explore how we innovate both in product development and the services we offer.


Let’s make it better.