Eco-Products is a proud sponsor of International Compost Awareness Week

Eco-Products is a proud sponsor of International Compost Awareness Week

Posted by Eco-Products on May 10th 2023

ICAW Poster

For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost!” – this year’s theme for International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW), is something we can really get behind! That’s why we are proud to be an ICAW sponsor.

Compost plays an important role in creating healthy soil. Together, through diverting food scraps from the landfill, we can all create healthier soil and healthier food.

As we celebrate ICAW May 7th-May 13th, we renew our commitment to compost manufacturers. Composting at the industrial scale needed to support climate mitigation, combat climate change, AND turn our certified compostable products into compost is not possible without these heroes.

How can you, our community of Eco-Products users and supporters, support compost manufacturers?

  • Eliminate contamination from compost streams through staff and employee education as well as careful sorting processes.
  • Purchase finished compost from your local composter for landscaping or gardening projects.
  • Share ICAW content to spread compost awareness. We truly believe if more people knew just how detrimental contamination is for compost, they’d work harder to keep it out at the source.

Check out the third and final video from our Earth Month and ICAW series about the importance of compost, what to put into a compost bin (and what to keep out), and why contamination ruins compost.

Why Contamination RUINS Compost

For more ICAW, compost, and anti-contamination contamination, follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Instagram and facebook.

Put Waste to Work.