Hail to the Chief!

Hail to the Chief!

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 30th 2014

It’s been a great run. Mike Hastings has passionately led us for the last 3 or so years, but, alas, he is moving on to bigger and better things – namely golf courses and time with his family and friends.

Mike has taught us all so much about how to inject our creativity and desire to be different into the foodservice packaging world. We make the Kool-Aid; he helped us figure out how to serve it to people who aren’t as thirsty as we are. He drank some along the way too…

The good news is that we have an awesome back up. Ian Jacobson has been with us for about as long as Mike has been President, and he is fully prepared to pick up where Mike is leaving off.

We somehow got them to go on camera and tell us how they’re feeling about the whole thing. Check it out below.