International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) 2022
Posted by Eco-Products on May 3rd 2022

The goal of ICAW is to raise public awareness on why we should all be composting our organics recycling and using compost. Visit the US Compost Council’s website to learn more about the benefits of compost, including:
- Prevent soil erosion
- Assist in stormwater management
- Promote healthier plant growth•Conserves water
- Reduces waste
- Combats climate change•Reduces project management costs
- Improves soil health
- Assists in wetland reclamation
It is one of the most wonderful times of the year! International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW). And since here at Eco-Products we believe that waste is a waste of resources, we love any opportunity to celebrate our passion for advancing compostable products and infrastructure.
The 2022 theme for ICAW is “Recipe for Regeneration: Compost”. Organics recycling and compost are frontline ingredients in the recipe for regenerative agriculture. By composting food scraps, compostable products, and yard trimmings you help create rich compost, which the Compost Foundation says “when added to soil results in a recipe that makes our food more nutritious, the air we breathe cleaner and our climate healthier overall.”
When it comes to diverting food waste from landfills and getting it into the composting stream, compostable packaging plays a key role. A study from 2016 found that using compostable packaging increased the amount of food scraps an operation sends to a composter by 72%!
This illustrates our Put Waste to Work mantra to a T. When packaging trash becomes a delivery vehicle and food scraps transform into a valuable feedstock to create nutrient dense compost to give back to the soil – everyone wins.
Let’s Put Waste to Work