Material Choices for Every Market

Material Choices for Every Market

Posted by Eco-Products on Feb 29th 2024

Wood cutlery, paper soup cups lids, molded fiber serving spoon, molded fiber hot cup lid, molded fiber meat tray

“Fiber-only” seems to be all the rage these days, and we’ve been hearing more and more about the need for a bundle of items that has fiber-based options in all of the core categories.

This is particularly useful in markets where local or state regulations prevent the use of some or all plastic foodservice items, and has also become a trend with some composters, as the risk of contamination from non-compostable “lookalike” plastic items can go down when no plastics of any kind are accepted.

Of the 80 new products we launched last year, 48 are made with paper, fiber, or wood. In fact, just over half of our stock products are made from those materials. And a lot of our recent development work has been focused on items that you wouldn’t typically associate with fiber – categories like lids and cutlery to name a few – that are critical for operators needing a full bundle of fiber-based items.

So next time you are wondering if we have a fiber version of a product, assume the answer is probably yes! And if we don’t have it, let us know so we can look into making it.

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