Our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee

Our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee

Posted by Eco-Products on Sep 15th 2021

DiversityIn our mission to transparently set goals, we wanted to take a moment to report on our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) efforts and progress. Our newly formed JEDI committee is an employee-led group that has met quarterly over the last year to work on the goals listed below. They’ve made some great strides!

Our parent company, Novolex, is also committed to taking Diversity and Inclusion(D&I) efforts to the next level. In summer 2020 Novolex launched a project to help develop a new D&I strategy across the company – starting with forming employee focus groups, led by a third party, to discuss and assess current work environments and what could be done in the future to provide a community of belonging. Eco-Products employees voluntarily participated in one of these focus groups.

Eco-Products – JEDI Committee Goals:

Education and Donation Goals
Participate in Novolex D&I employee focus group led by a third party Achieved: 15 Eco-Products employees participated
Hold at least three JEDI focused Lunch and Learns with Eco-Products employees In progress
Encourage the expansion of diverse composting and hauling operations In progress
Promote our donation program to organizations that provide services to underserved communities and begin to measure and evaluate how our donation program supports these organizations In progress


Job Description and Requirement Goals
Include at least one candidate from an underrepresented group in every interview process In progress: The interview process for each open position from 2020 Q3-present did not begin until at least one candidate from an underrepresented group was included.
Analyze our job description language to ensure that it is inclusive and equitable In progress: We have examined resources and best practices and begun looking at all job description language for deficits. We hope to review the language with a third party specializing in inclusive and equitable language.
Publish open positions to associations for underrepresented groups Achieved: Open positions have been posted across numerous underrepresented groups job boards


Volunteering and Performance Review Goals
At least 55% of our employees will take advantage of their paid time off to volunteer Achieved: We have sent internal monthly newsletters highlighting employees’ volunteering experiences and set in place a competition between departments to increase volunteering efforts.
At least 90% of our employees will include a sustainability and/or diversity and inclusion goal in their performance review In progress: In 2020, more than 90% of employees set a sustainability goal in their performance review. We have increased interest in setting diversity and inclusion goals after the formation of our JEDI committee, but no data to report on yet.


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