So Which Is Better…GreenStripe® or BlueStripe™?

So Which Is Better…GreenStripe® or BlueStripe™?

Posted by Eco-Products on May 20th 2015

This is a question we often get asked by the well-intentioned who want to make the most environmentally responsible decision. Believe us, if there were a clear answer, we’d tell you. But the fact is, we cannot objectively say whether GreenStripe® or BlueStripe is better. It all depends on a customer’s needs, priorities, and available infrastructure. Let’s be clear that there is no environmentally perfect product, material, or company. Everything has environmental trade-offs. We want to be aware of and transparent about the impacts of our products so people can make informed decisions.

GreenStripe® made from renewable resources

Why is GreenStripe® cool? Well, these products are made with renewable resources, such as corn, sugarcane, and trees. Conventional plastics are made from oil, a very valuable non-renewable resource. With our world’s population fast exceeding 7 billion people and putting increased pressure on natural resources, we think it’s a good idea to make foodservice packaging (which is used for a short time) from resources we can grow again and again. Where commercial composting exists, these products can be composted and returned to the soil. If your community doesn’t have commercial composting, GreenStripe® still offers environmental benefits by the virtue of being made with renewable resources.

BlueStripe™ made from post-consumer recycled content

Why is BlueStripe cool? These products are made with post-consumer recycled content. That means materials are diverted from the landfill upstream and turned into things like cups and cutlery. Many people feel it is important to divert resources from the landfill and give them another life when they are not “waste.” Many also love the idea of supporting the larger recycling infrastructure by purchasing items with recycled content. While recycling of used foodservice packaging is rare, your community may offer this. It is best to check with your local recycler to see if this is an option.

So what’s better – using renewable resources or using post-consumer content? The good news is whatever you decide, you’re right. For more info read our article GreenStripe® vs BlueStripe.

Our very own Sustainability Maven served up this delicious nugget of green geekery for us today. If this little taste leaves you hungry for more, you can always cruise over to the Greenology and/or Training sections at for a full helping. If you have a question you can’t find the answer to you can email her at