Composter Success Story: A Composter/Hauler/Distributor Triple Threat!

Composter Success Story: A Composter/Hauler/Distributor Triple Threat!

Posted by Eco-Products on Jan 11th 2023

Luke and Yvonne Rosenbohm founded Better Earth Logistics in 2015 when they saw a need for organics waste hauling in Peoria, Illinois. Luke’s Parents, Paul and June Rosenbohm operate Better Earth Compost. It originally started as an on-farm operation, composting manure from the family’s dairy farm. Seeing an opportunity to fill a greater market need, Luke encouraged his father to apply for a full-scale composting permit in 2003, and the facility began taking food scraps.

Better Earth Compost Faciltiy
Better Earth uses windrow technology and processes 55,000 to 60,000 cubic yards per year of feedstocks, with food scraps accounting for about 15 to 20%. Recognizing compostable products as a vessel for bringing in more food scraps, they eventually began accepting BPI certified compostable packaging. In 2020, Luke decided to become a distributor for Eco-Products. He states that by offering these products to his clients he can better control what material is coming into his facility and be confident that the products work within his manufacturing process.

Driven by their entrepreneurial spirit and desire to leave a healthy legacy for their children by “closing the loop,” the Rosenbohms have continuously grown and evolved the hauling operation’s service to include a commercial collection route serving customers ranging from neighborhood coffee bars and local colleges to large corporate campuses.

Most recently, they have added an innovative residential drop-off service called Community Compost Kiosks. Kiosks are placed in areas where people frequent, such as the parking lot of a downtown Peoria grocery store near the local farmer’s market. Better Earth sells annual subscriptions to use the kiosks. Participants receive a “composting kit” which includes a 5-gallon bucket, a supply of compostable liners, and a key card to gain access to the kiosk. Inside the kiosk, the material is collected in 90-gallon carts and service days are adjusted as the number of subscribers increases. With popularity of the kiosks growing, more units are being strategically placed in Peoria as well as in neighboring towns.

Better Earth CompostThey sell finished compost in bulk and in Better Earth Compost branded bags. Educating the public about the benefits and importance of composting is a passion for this family business where everyone gets involved—including Luke and Yvonne’s young sons, who represent the third generation of composters.

Let’s Put Waste to Work