The Ecoist – Comp-ocean-able?

The Ecoist – Comp-ocean-able?

Posted by Eco-Products on Jan 2nd 2013

Are your compostable products marine degradable?

No, our products are not certified as marine degradable and we strongly encourage everyone to keep all plastics out of oceans and waterways.

Land-based commercial compost facilities have the ability to maintain ideal composting conditions and sustained heat and moisture needed for Ingeo to break down entirely with the appropriate soil bacteria, yeast, and fungi. The ocean is salty and filled with life that is affected when plastics enter the water. The compost process does not occur there. Additionally, there is more and more research all the time showing the harmful effects of plastics in the ocean, including the impacts on birds that often mistake plastics for fish and eat them.

Please help keep our oceans and waterways free of litter and plastic and dispose of any waste responsibly.

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