Zero Waste Success at NASCAR Hall of Fame Evening Reception

Zero Waste Success at NASCAR Hall of Fame Evening Reception

Posted by Eco-Products on Oct 19th 2022

Eco-Products PZW Team at NASCAR Hall of Fame
As we gathered for the first in-person Novolex Sales Meeting in more than three years, we were able to enjoy a fully Zero Waste reception at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, North Carolina. Thanks to the Product & Zero Waste (PZW) teams from Eco-Products and Vegware – we were able to achieve a 97% diversion rate!

Here’s how it went down: Our Southern Region PZW, Wayne Koeckeritz, was tasked with planning waste logistics for the event. He worked with the facility team at the Hall of Fame, along with the culinary team from the Convention Center. Luckily the Convention Center already had a relationship with a local organics hauler and composter, Earth Farms Organics.

From there Wayne worked out the details with the culinary team to:

  • Plan of food and beverage stations, ensuring the use of only compostable products
  • Determine where waste stations should be placed
  • Decide Eco-Products and Vegware staff should monitor each station to educate party-goers who may be new to Zero Waste and prevent contamination
  • Recruit staff for a post-event waste sort and count

On the day of the event the PZW team set up the waste bins, trained the bin monitors, and tested out the race simulator while they waited until it was time for the final count.

Eco-Products PZW Team Waste Sort
At the end of the night the crew combined all the bins and did one final sort to ensure each waste stream was free of contamination. The final tally showed 175 pounds of organics, 200 pounds of recycling (mostly glass), and only 10 pounds of landfill waste (which consisted mostly of the bags and some residual liquid) for a final diversion rate of 97%!

The moral of the story? With a little planning and know how, Zero Waste is totally achievable. Our PZW team can help!

Let’s Put Waste to Work.