A Moment for Mr. Paul Allen

A Moment for Mr. Paul Allen

Posted by Eco-Products on Oct 24th 2018

In Memory of Paul G. Allen

Paul Allen passed away last week, and we wanted to take a moment to recognize his achievements. Beyond being a co-founder of Microsoft, Paul was a catalyst for greening professional sports. When Paul was owner of the Portland Trail Blazers and Seattle Seahawks, he pushed these teams and their stadiums to reach for new heights in sustainability. From using recycled concrete and steel during construction, to installing solar panels, to mandating recycling and composting, Paul made sure that the environment was a key consideration in the building and operating of large sports venues.

Green Sports AllianceWanting to scale green sports beyond Seattle, Paul went on to co-found the Green Sports Alliance. Today, GSA members represent nearly 600 teams from 15 sports leagues in 14 countries. Together, these organizations are working to use the power of sports to advance sustainability not only for their teams, but to educate and inspire the public as well. Eco-Products is proud to be a founding partner of GSA and active in its efforts since the early days. We are eternally grateful for the vision and passion that Paul Allen had; the world is a much better place because of it.
