Custom Print Troubleshooting

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 29th 2013

In case you didn’t already know, the only types of files we can accept on our Custom Print Request Form are AI, PDF or EPS files. Or if you want to attach multiple files, just archive them into a ZIP or RAR file. (Don’t know how to ZIP? Visit “Tutorial: Submit Multiple Art Files for Custom Print” in The Dish archives)

We know that seems annoyingly picky, but that’s just because starting with the proper source art is the first step to a sharp final product.

Let’s say you are certain you have the right file type and you are still having upload problems. Here are some things to look for:

  • A Number One – triple check your file extension. It must be .AI, .EPS, .PDF, .ZIP or .RAR Even if you skip the form and email us with a .JPEG or .TIFF, we’ll still need right file.
  • An extra period in the file name. The only “dot” in the file name should be the one right before the extension or else the form gets confused. MyAwesomeFile.eps will upload just fine – My.Awesome.File.eps will not. Rename your dotty file and it should work just fine.
  • Are you sure the error message said you had the wrong file type? Maybe you just forgot a required field. Make sure to fill out all of the fields with a * next to them.

If you are still having problems, feel free to email Creative Services at