Happy New Year! Time to reflect….

Happy New Year! Time to reflect….

Posted by Eco-Products on Jan 6th 2016

2015 Sustainability Goals Review

The New Year is a time when many people think back on their accomplishments of the previous 365 days, and ponder what they would like to achieve during the next lap around the sun. At Eco-Products® , we take that process seriously when it comes to our sustainability strategy. We know that we are not perfect and we will never be. That’s why we annually publish a sustainability report with goals and progress; we believe in the importance of continual improvement.

Dedicated to driving change.

Now that it’s January, we are starting to calculate our carbon footprint, measure how far we’ve come, and think about how we’re going to continue to raise the bar in 2016. Sadly, you’ll have to wait until Earth Day for our 2016 report. However, now is a great time to remind ourselves of the goals and initiatives we proposed in 2015. From a plastic film recycling pilot, to reducing travel impacts, to encouraging employees to volunteer, to increasing our advocacy for expanding access to commercial composting. . . we’ve been busy! We look forward to telling you in the spring about what we’ve accomplished. Until then, here is our Eco-Products® 2015 Sustainability Report to whet your appetite for information on our sustainability initiatives.

2015 Sustainability Report