Have a Story to Tell?
Posted by Eco-Products on Nov 5th 2014
We’re looking for a good stories, specifically success stories that feature Eco-Products.
We may turn a story into a full multimedia case-study report, or maybe a post here on the Dish, a PowerPoint slide, Facebook and twitter posts, a webpage, an infographic, or maybe even a video. What we can’t do, that you can, is get the story itself. You are our feet on the street, so if you have a story you think is interesting, we want to know about it! Email us at creativeservices@ecoproducts.com
What we look for:
- A customer who is using Eco-Products to help them meet their environmental goals.
- A large scale or otherwise special operation. We need a hook – something that makes this particular story interesting or valuable.
- Custom products
- Measurable goals/results
For Example:
A coffee shop using our hot cups is great, but not special. A coffee shop with a goal to eliminate their landfill waste that did so in part by switching to compostable disposables from Eco-Products, oh and by the way, they buy back compost from their facility to grow the raspberries they use in their homemade scones? – That’s a story.
Questions we’d attempt to answer:
- Who is the customer and what do they do?
- What were their goals?
- What were their customer’s needs?
- How did we specifically satisfy those needs and help the customer meet their goals?
- What were some challenges and how did we overcome them?
- How were we part of the solution?
- What were the results?