New Products – Black GreenStripe Straws

Posted by Product Development on May 16th 2018

Please welcome Black GreenStripe® Straws to our line. These unwrapped straws are available in three sizes and include our signature GreenStripe® to help identify that they are compostable. Made with Ingeo®, a plant-based plastic, BPI certified compostable and compliant with many straw bans.

Black Straws with GreenStripe

Black GreenStripe® Straw line includes:

  • EP-ST650U-BGS: 6in Black GreenStripe® Straw, 5mm diameter
  • EP-ST780U-BGS: 7.75in Black GreenStripe® Straw, 8mm diameter
  • EP-ST980U-BGS: 9.5in Black GreenStripe® Straw, 8mm diameter

Launch Details:

  • Availability: Stocked in both warehouses
  • Samples: These items are being built into sample kits. Click here to order sample packs.
  • Download the Product sheet and/or the PowerPoint presentation