Our Fourth Annual Eco-Products Sustainability Report

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 20th 2017

Eco-Products 2017 Sustainability Report

Every year, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd. Chances are, this means you’ll see retailers pushing their “green” products, brands engaging consumers in environmentally-focused activities, or friends posting their commitment to Mother Earth on your Facebook feed. The cynic could point out that token environmentalism is not sufficient enough to drive meaningful change, and that’s true. Lessening your impacts for one day is helpful, but it will not transition us in a way that will allow future generations to thrive.

That’s why at Eco-Products®, we take Earth Day as an opportunity to step back, assess our progress, and recommit ourselves to building a more sustainable society – throughout the entire year, not just on one day. Our annual sustainability report captures that effort, and we are proud to launch our fourth one today. We hope this report gives you a candid and informative look into our efforts. It is a vivid reminder and declaration of all the work that we are doing to achieve the vision that drives us – to be in the vanguard of a Zero Waste future.

At Eco-Products®, we believe big things can happen in small packages. We believe a cup can make a powerful statement about values. That’s why we go to the ends of the earth to support our customers’ sustainability efforts and push for change at a broader level. Thank you for being part of that journey, and please enjoy our sustainability report.

In this quick video our Sustainability Maven, David Fridland, gives a preview of this year’s report.



Questions? Email sustainabilitymaven@ecoproducts.com