Plant Based Products Council

Plant Based Products Council

Posted by Eco-Products on Feb 16th 2021

Eco-Products is excited to join the Plant Based Products Council (PBPC). The goals of the PBPC align well with what we are trying to accomplish in advancing renewable and compostable packaging.

Goals of PBPC

  • Enhance public awareness of the vast economic, environmental, and social benefits of plant-based products.
  • Encourage collaboration between business, government, and non-profits to incorporate principles of a circular bioeconomy into consumer products and industrials.
  • Advocate for policy that encourages the transition to renewable products.
  • Provide a platform for stakeholders throughout the plant-based product value chain to connect and collaborate.

Particularly, we are delighted to work with them to promote increased composting infrastructure of compostable foodservice packaging.

Check out this video from their homepage.

Let’s #putwastetowork!