Put Waste to Work

Put Waste to Work

Posted by Eco-Products on Apr 28th 2021

Check out our video “Put Waste to Work,” our latest campaign that we believe sums up how foodservice packaging could be so much more than just trash.

Put Waste To WorkAt Eco-Products, we believe waste can be a wonderful thing. An unfinished meal can nourish our soils. A take-out container with food scraps can be sent to the compost bin. It sounds hard, but it’s our job to figure it out.

Successful diversion of foodservice packaging from landfills is complicated. There is a lot to know about recycling and composting, how to execute Zero Waste systems, and trying to keep up with the growing amount of legislation related to waste and packaging.

That’s why we put experts in the field to work with local communities and customers to establish and improve composting and recycling programs. We collaborate with industry advocates to shift how businesses and consumers think about and manage their waste.

You don’t need to be the expert to understand. Together, we can turn the end of a meal into a planet of possibilities.

Visit our YouTube Case Studies channel to learn more about partners we’ve helped Put Waste to Work.


Let’s Put Waste to Work.