Walking The Talk – Keeping Up with Changes to PSM Cutlery Language

Posted by Eco-Products on May 24th 2017

Thank you for taking a moment to read about a few very important changes regarding our Plant Starch cutlery.

PSM now not Plant StarchAs we all know, Plant Starch cutlery is not compostable because it contains 30% polypropylene to provide heat tolerance and other features. This line can be a good option for customers who don’t have access to commercial composting. Using something that is 70% renewable is better than using something that is 0% renewable, right? Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to prevent this cutlery from ending up in compost bins, at times it can find its way to composting facilities, where it is troublesome for composters.

Here are two things we are doing to prevent this from happening:

  • Changing the name to “PSM Cutlery”: Including the word “plant” may give the inaccurate impression that this cutlery is compostable. To reduce confusion, we will refer to it as “PSM Cutlery” in our communications and marketing materials going forward. Like our dearly departed Prince, you can think of PSM as the “cutlery formerly known as Plant Starch.”
  • Enhancing our messaging: We began embossing “non-compostable” on PSM a while back. To further help educate end-users, we are adding an insert to PSM cases for the next quarter or so, addressing its non-compostability and promoting Plantware as a compostable alternative. We have also made changes to PSM sleeves and cartons.

In addition, please note you will soon notice a slight color change. We are now sourcing PSM from multiple partners and updating the color helps us ensure consistency between the two. While we need to work through old inventory, we are shifting to a lighter beige moving forward. See the color comparison in the image below.

You may read more about our work related to PSM cutlery in our latest sustainability report.

New PSM Cutlery Color

Please contact your Eco-Products® Sales Rep with any questions.

Eco-Products HQ will be closed Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day

Eco-Products® HQ Will Be Closed Memorial Day

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