What do we mean when we say “beginning-of-life” benefits?

Posted by Eco-Products on Jul 24th 2018

No doubt you have heard or seen the term “beginning-of-life benefits” in reference to the environmental features of our products. What do we mean, exactly, when we say this, and why is it an important aspect of the pitch for Eco-Products?

When we think about the entire life-cycle of the products we create, we identify three distinct phases:
Beginning of Life > Use of the Product > End of Life

We recognize that end-of-life issues are complex, and often beyond the control of the end user (since one person can’t easily make their community build a composting facility!). We remain committed to working with partners across the country to expand commercial composting infrastructure and improve recycling. Regardless of end-of-life destination, beginning-of-life benefits remain an important part of the environmental story of our products.

In our everyday activities, we think a lot about the “use of the product” phase: How does the item perform? Is it good for hot foods or cold foods? Does it look cool?
Hopefully, you also think about the end-of-life of our products: where does the item go after it’s been used? (Ideally to a commercial composting site if it’s a GreenStripe item, right?)

Oftentimes, we are focused less on the beginning-of-life phase (i.e., what the item is made of) and the associated benefits, but this message can be super powerful and applies to both our BlueStripe and GreenStripe lines. It resonates in any community, regardless of access to composting or recycling.

BlueStripe’s Beginning-of-Life Benefits: Our BlueStripe items are made from post-consumer recycled (PCR) content paper and plastic. By buying PCR materials, we are supporting the recycling industry and giving these items another life.

GreenStripe’s Beginning-of-Life Benefits: Our GreenStripe items are made from renewable resources such as PLA (a compostable plastic made from plants), bagasse (reclaimed sugarcane fiber), wheatstraw (reclaimed wheat fiber), and bamboo.

Want to know more about the materials we use? Check out: https://www.ecoproducts.com/product-features

Have questions about beginning-of-life Benefits? Ask the Sustainability Maven at sustainabilitymaven@ecoproducts.com.